Thes rules will be followed, no buts about it.
•Respect the forum and its members - abuse/spamming or anything of that nature shall not be tolerated
•Don't post anything of controversial, religious or political nature unless it is in the Opinion forum.
•Limit Avatars to 200 x 150 pixels and Banners to 450 x 200. Nothing inappropriate, I will delete it and posobly ban the user.
•You're allowed to post threads as long as their in the relevant section and please don't post similar topics meaning no repeats just becuase you want to post a forum yourself.
•Please don't use net speak, it wrecks people's heads cause not all of us are up to speed with the slang and seeing as some of us are Writers, we should be able to write without net slang.
•Keep language clean please, i'll allow the odd bad word cause i'll probably do this myself but nothing too awful or i'll delete it and warn you once.
Be good, and I may be adding more later!
Oh, and i almost forgot the most important rule!
Have Fun and be Yourself!