For the most part, I enjoy writing in first person. Not only does the reader get to learn the story from a witness who saw it all, but I get to learn a lot about whichever character is narrating. It's a great way to learn about the character: how he/she thinks, his/her impressions on others, etc.
Occasionally I've done a third person short story here or there, but I definitely prefer writing in first person. I usually write in third person omniscient for roleplays, but I prefer writing my own novels in first person, since I feel that 3rd person omniscient leaves no mystery and excitement if you know what everyone's reasons are for doing things. It's hard to think of a villain as a ruthless predator when he's only getting revenge on his brother because his brother was mean to him as a child, you know?
I've read second person occasionally and I feel that it really has to fit the story in order to be used correctly. It just doesn't seem to fit a lot of the time, to me.